Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Now accepting applications for vendors!

The link to apply for the April 25th show has just been posted on the website! You can read about it and apply by clicking HERE

Friday, February 20, 2015

Ch Ch Changes! Announcement of April 25th show...

Hello to all of our previous vendors, shoppers, and lovers of vintage & artsy fabulous-ness! After recovering from the craziness of the holidays, it is finally time to announce the date of the next show! The next Funky Art & Vintage Mart will take place Saturday, April 25th from 9-4. I am handing over the reigns to Jessica Pack. She will be hosting the show alongside Lynda Kerns of Treasure Coast Families non-profit. Lynda has some great activities planned to accompany the show, and Jessica will be updating the Facebook page, Blog, and website with all the info soon. As for me, Lori, I will be helping with some of the "behind the scenes" stuff, like graphic design. Life has just gotten a bit complicated for me right now, and I needed to focus my energy in a few other directions.  This will be my last post on the blog. I promise this will be a wonderful show, and I am so happy that Jessica has stepped up to keep it going. Our vendors and shoppers have continued to increase, and it continues to be a fun event that many look forward to.

On that note, please check back soon, as the links to apply as a vendor will be posted very soon!